AAJA National Secretary election to begin Friday
With the election of Doris Truong of The Washington Post to AAJA National President, AAJA is holding a special election beginning Friday for National Secretary.
Athima Chansanchai, owner of Tima Media and AAJA Seattle’s National Board Representative, is one of the candidates. Learn more about her candidacy here.
Also running for the office is Theodore Kim, reporter at The Dallas Morning News and vice-president of the AAJA Texas chapter. Learn more about his candidacy here.
Get informed and vote!
Some election details:
Voter Eligibility. Only full members, whose dues are paid for the current year, are eligible to vote in this special election.For questions about the election process or the duties of the National Secretary, please contact Elections Officer Janet Cho: jcho@plaind.com.
Absentee Voting. On Oct. 1, eligible voters will receive an e-mail with voting instructions and the link to the electronic absentee ballot, and have until 5p.m. (PST) Oct. 22 to vote. Ballots by mail/fax must be RECEIVED BY 5p.m. (PST) on Oct. 22 and are subject to member verification.
AAJA Special Election Ballot
5 Third Street, Suite 1108
San Francisco, CA 94103
FAX: (415) 346-6343