AAJA Seattle mixer this Thursday!
Mix and mingle with members and supporters of AAJA starting at 6 p.m. this Thursday at Amber Restaurant & Lounge in Belltown at 2214 1st Avenue.
Connect with local journalists
Find out about upcoming AAJA events
Hear what journalists are doing outside of the newsroom
Get involved!
This event is FREE. Get your ticket at EventBrite.com: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1469317769/
Got a burning industry question you want us to discuss? Send your question to Caroline at editor@earthwalkersmag.com and we’ll try to address it at the mixer.
Help us continue to host free events by supporting AAJA through membership (you do not need to be an employed journalist to become a member).
Register/Renew your membership today!
AAJA is a national organization that supports diversity in the media. AAJA’s Seattle chapter is a strong and active chapter. We encourage members and supporters to register/renew their membership by the MARCH 30TH and look forward to seeing you throughout the year!