Venice Buhain and KJ Hiramoto elected chapter president and secretary
The election results are in, so please join us in congratulating Venice Buhain and KJ Hiramoto as our incoming president and secretary!
They both will be serving two-year terms, beginning January 2016.
Venice Buhain has been a member of AAJA Seattle since 2000. She is the news editor at The Seattle Globalist, and has worked at TVW, Patch, The Olympian, The Daily News in Longview and the Eastside Journal in Bellevue.
As chapter president, she plans to focus on bringing in new members and early career journalists, building programs that speak to the needs of mid-career journalists and finding ways to keep our chapter members engaged locally and with national programs. Venice’s past experience includes serving as the chapter’s national advisory board member this past year and chapter secretary from 2008-11 and helping to organize the 2014 and 2015 AAJA Seattle Media Access Workshops and Chef Showcases.
KJ Hiramoto is a recent addition to AAJA Seattle and recent graduate of the University of Washington. He is interested in pursuing a career in the social media side of journalism down the line and sees serving as chapter secretary and getting a chance to run the chapter’s social media pages will prove to be a invaluable experience.
Also being a young journalist, KJ said he could always use some indirect training in being a better organizer and fast-paced worker by having to juggle between jobs, conference calls and projects being run by our chapter.