Seattle Times opening for a one-year community engagement editor
The Seattle Times is hiring for a one-year community engagement editor to work on an innovative education project. Interested? We encourage serious candidates to apply by Friday, Aug. 16, 2013. I would get to work with this editor! Seattle Times one-year community engagement editor Job description: The community engagement editor for the Seattle Times-Solutions Journalism […]
Convention stipend available for one student through AAJA-D.C.
For any students out there who would like to attend next month’s convention in New York, the AAJA D.C. chapter has one stipend for a student member available. The stipend will cover the cost of registration for the national convention next month. To apply, please submit your résumé and include a statement (500 words max) […]
Rock Box party: An AAJA Seattle sendoff for David Boardman on July 29
Join AAJA Seattle as we say goodbye to Seattle Times Executive Editor David Boardman. Boardman is leaving to become dean of the School of Media and Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa. Boardman has been a champion of AAJA and the Seattle chapter, supporting our scholarship, donating auction items to our lunar banquet and […]
Announcing the #2K2WKS Challenge: Donate to Power of One by Aug. 5 and Frank Blethen will match it
Seattle Times Publisher Frank Blethen is challenging you to support the Asian American Journalists Association with a donation to the Power of One campaign. For all donations from July 15 through Aug. 5, Frank will match all funds raised up to a total of $2,000. The Power of One fund supports AAJA’s important work on […]
A video from the Seattle chapter to AAJA President Paul Cheung for his 40th birthday #pcheungis40
AAJA President Paul Cheung turns 40 Sunday. We just didn’t think that a card was enough for our global-interactives-managing, Instagram-bombing, data-loving, responsive-designing AAJA president. So we did the (fake) Harlem Shake. Akiko Oda, field editor at AOL Patch, produced this video. Starring Akiko, Lori Matsukawa, Candace Barron, Nigel Barron, Caroline Li, Samantha Pak, Thanh Tan, […]
Six students honored at the 2013 Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship reception
Several students were recognized during the Northwest Journalists of Color (NJC) Scholarship reception on June 4. $5,000 in scholarship were presented to the four NJC scholars: Joella Ortega discovered her passion for journalism during her junior year in high school while working on the yearbook staff. When she got to Western Washington University she quickly […]