Cheezburger Network’s Ben Huh asks why we consume news like it’s 1899
Ben Huh, a former AAJA member and Northwestern University journalism grad, is founder and CEO of Seattle-based Cheezburger Network. He’s recently blogged about problems he sees with how news is presented online today, and ReadWriteWeb reports on a new news platform Huh is developing – The Moby Dick Project. Be sure to add your comments to […]
NJC Almnus Represents Washington At National Teacher of the Year Celebration
Jay Maebori, the 2011 Washington Teacher of the Year, is a NJC alumni and Kentwood High School journalism teacher. He was celebrated in September at an event at the Experience Music Project (read about it here in the Northwest Asian Weekly), but look who is just behind Pres. Obama when the White House hosted the […]
VIP Reception for Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan after her appearance at Elliott Bay Books, June 10
Join AAJA New York member and author Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan and longtime AAJA Seattle member Terry Tazioli, host of TVW’s “Author Hour,†for a conversation about food and family in her tantalizing memoir “A Tiger in the Kitchen†at Elliott Bay Book Co., and then come to a VIP private reception/fundraiser at Tazioli’s home! Conversation: 8 […]
Thanh Tan of The Texas Tribune headlines this year’s NJC scholarship reception
Thanh Tan is the keynote speaker for this year’s Northwest Journalists of Color awards reception, which will be June 7 at KING TV. Get your free tickets at EventBrite! The reception, which marks the 25th anniversary of AAJA Seattle’s flagship program, brings Thanh Tan from Austin, Texas, to share her experiences with this year’s scholarship winners. Tan, […]
Dorothy Parvaz is free!
UPDATE (May 20): Dorothy arrived in B.C. yesterday. Here’s a photo captured by the CBC of her hugging her family as she arrived at the airport. In an interview broadcast by Al Jazeera and reported on by The Guardian, Dorothy talks about harsh conditions in the Syrian jail where she was held for three days […]
Free Dorothy on Friday on Twitter, Facebook
UPDATE: Please download this new Free Dorothy banner, which Wendy Wahman designed and updated to reflect the news that Dorothy was deported from Syria to Iran. You can help raise awareness by swapping this image with your Facebook and Twitter profile pic every Friday — marking another week since Dorothy disappeared. Please tell your friends […]