Take your writing skills to the next level – free workshop
This announcement about University of Washington alumnus Jack Hart comes to us by way of AAJA member Karen Gaudette. Thanks, Karen! Struggling with writer’s block? Let journalism alum Jack Hart (’68), the former managing editor of “The Oregonian,” and the author of “A Writer’s Coach,” help you overcome! Space is limited, so register through the […]
May 2 deadline for Stanford Chen internship grants
Summer internships are a great way to practice journalism and learn the ins and outs of newsrooms today. Problem is, many internships these days don’t pay — or they don’t pay enough for interns to cover their basic living expenses. AAJA awards Stanford Chen internship grants to help defray those expenses. The grant provides $1,750 […]
Job opening: Microsoft beat reporter for The Seattle Times
Former AAJA National president Sharon Chan will be moving on to the new digital frontier as producer of mobile platforms and user analytics for The Seattle Times.(Congrats, Sharon!) With Sharon’s new career move comes a great opportunity for someone — you, perhaps? — to cover Microsoft for The Seattle Times. Here’s the job posting: The […]
AAJA Seattle mixer this Thursday!
Mix and mingle with members and supporters of AAJA starting at 6 p.m. this Thursday at Amber Restaurant & Lounge in Belltown at 2214 1st Avenue. Connect with local journalists Find out about upcoming AAJA events Hear what journalists are doing outside of the newsroom Get involved! This event is FREE. Get your ticket at […]
JOBS: Multimedia Editor, The Oregonian
Calling all photographers, videographers and multimedia producers! There’s a rare job opening at The Oregonian in Portland and what a job! Thanks to the Mediastorm blog for posting the job. Here’s the posting: The Oregonian is looking for a multimedia editor to join their team of award-winning journalists. This editor’s responsibilities will be newsroom-wide. The […]
Renew your membership with AAJA in 2011
The Year of the Rabbit is underway. And that means time to renew your membership! Our 2011 membership drive is on and runs through the end of March. If you’re wondering whether you are current on your membership, just look in the far right-bottom corner for a list of chapter members in good standing. The […]