AAJA Seattle holds first innovation salon at SAM
The 3 E’s for Twitter updates: Make it engaging, educational, or entertaining. – Chef Becky Selengut
Ethnic media web project, “Sea Beez,” launches
On Wednesday evening, a new ethnic media web project held its launch party at The Seattle Times. The project is led by AAJA member Julie Pham, who is managing editor of the family-owned Northwest Vietnamese News. Sea Beez has its seed funding from the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and represents the newest “hive” for […]
AAJA Seattle student members in action!
When I was studying journalism at Western Kentucky University in the early 2000s, I was eager to soak every experience I had in college from writing for the school paper to interning at newspapers all over the nation. Though I have been out of school for several years, I still remember fondly how much I […]
Eating While Tweeting: Social Media Lessons from Seattle’s Fooderati
AAJA Seattle’s 2010 INNOVATION SALONS: Join us for a lively evening of food, drinks, networking and twitterific conversation at TASTE Restaurant at the Seattle Art Museum. “EATING WHILE TWEETING: SOCIAL MEDIA LESSONS FROM SEATTLE’S FOODERATI†For AAJA Seattle’s inaugural Innovation Salon series, we bring together a group of the city’s hungriest tweeters: PR-pro Hsiao-Ching Chou, […]
Celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month with the Wing Luke Museum
In honor of Asian Pacific Heritage Month, here’s a reminder to check out a good friend of AAJA Seattle, the Wing Luke Museum. It was an amazing host for AAJA Seattle’ s Lunar New Year fundraiser in 2009! Besides being an amazing spot to celebrate the new year, the museum is full of exhibits to […]
Attention students: Just a few days left to apply for scholarships from AAJA Seattle
With May 1 quickly approaching, here’s another reminder to apply for one of three scholarships from AAJA Seattle. Scholarships include the Northwest Journalists of Color, which offers college scholarships of up to $2,500; the Founders Scholarship, which provides registration for the upcoming AAJA National Convention and the AAJA Seattle/911 Media Arts Student Scholarship, which provides […]