Save the date…
Are you a Twitter nerd? Or a foodie? Or both? AAJA Seattle will give you a taste of what happens when the two collide at its inaugural Innovation Salon on May 25 at Seattle Art Museum’s TASTE Restaurant. Check back for more details! Photo from Food Point of Interest (
Hurry! May 1 application deadline for multimedia fellowships
We know you’re hungry for training, but you may not have enough funds. AAJA Seattle is here for you. This year the chapter will offer three AAJA Seattle / 911 Media Arts fellowships for professional members and two fellowships for student members in good standing. Details below! The professional fellowships, a new member benefit this […]
“Choppy Waters” at Central Washington University was a success!
About 15 students at Central Washington spent last Thursday evening (April 15) with SPJ and AAJA Seattle learning how to navigate the job market in last week’s “Choppy Waters” pizza night event. AAJA Seattle and the William O. Douglas chapter of SPJ co-sponsored the event while the Central Washington SPJ chapter hosted the event and […]
AAJA Seattle and SPJ to co-host “Choppy Waters” pizza night program at Central Washington University
It’s a tough job market out there for students, but AAJA Seattle and SPJ are working together to help. The two organizations are working together to organize “Choppy Waters: Navigating the job market through change and transition.” The program’s title pays homage to an earlier program AAJA Seattle organized last year to help professional and […]
Journalism That Matters goes to Detroit, June 3-6
AAJA Seattle was a proud co-sponsor of the Journalism That Matters event at the University of Washington in January. Check out a video put together by a documentary filmmaker who was at the event. The video features interviews with three AAJA Seattle members (Sanjay Bhatt, Mike Fancher and Ranny Kang) and you might spot other […]
2010 membership drive a great success
Thanks to great organizing and outreach by our AAJA Seattle board and volunteers, we ended our 2010 membership drive on March 31 with 87 members! Last year we had 83 members. This growth is truly an accomplishment, especially at a time when organizations like ours are struggling to maintain their membership levels. I expect membership […]