Ring in 2009 at the new Wing Luke Asian Museum
Save the date: Our annual Lunar New Year Banquet is planned for Saturday, Feb. 7, at the new Wing Luke Asian Museum! Delicious food, new friends and great gifts await you. Stay tuned for details. It’ll be weeks after the swearing in of a new President, who happens to be born in the Year of […]
City beat reporter, Tri-City Herald
The Tri-City Herald, a McClatchy Co. newspaper in southeastern Washington’s growing and diverse communities of Kennewick, Richland and Pasco, needs an experienced city beat/general assignment reporter. To read the complete listing, click here. Job listings on AAJA Seattle and links to third-party job sites are provided solely as a convenience to members and do not […]
Science writer, Institute for Systems Biology
The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) is an internationally renowned non-profit research institute dedicated to the study and application of systems biology. Founded in 2000 in Seattle, Washington, ISB’s goal is to unravel the mysteries of cellular networks and identify strategies that will usher in a new era of P4 Medicine (predictive, preventive, participatory and […]
The Great Multimedia Shootout
BY SANJAY BHATT When I arrived at the UNITY conference fresh off a red-eye flight, my mind was focused on entering my first-ever Multimedia Shootout. After all, I was confident in my abilities after having shot video, recorded audio and produced pieces for a few months, albeit for non-deadline stories. I sat down in a […]
Working on UNITY News made her more resilient, staffer says
A Northwest native, Amy Phan graduated from Seattle University with a bachelors degree in journalism in June 2008, interned at seattletimes.com and currently works for GoodSide Studio Productions. She hopes her experience in a diverse number of media platforms will help her land a content creating journalism job. She was one of the 12 student […]
Chapter meeting this Sunday
Join us at Uptown Espresso, 500 Westlake Ave. N. (and Republican), on Sunday morning for a discussion of what events our chapter should organize this fall and winter. Meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. and should wrap up by noon. If you have any questions, email Sanjay at sbhatt@seattletimes.com. And please VOTE in our online polls, […]