Founders’ Scholarship winner learns to network at UNITY
This year the AAJA Seattle chapter awarded the Founders’ Scholarship to University of Washington junior Anusha Roy, who is interested in broadcast journalism and currently the multimedia intern at The Founders’ scholarship, which covers the cost of registration to the national AAJA convention, was established in 2000 to honor Frank Abe, Ron Chew, and […]
National editors’ group recognizes AAJA members
AAJA Seattle member Nicole Tsong has been named one of this year’s Diversity Fellows by the American Association of Sunday and Features Editors. The fellowship is awarded to journalists of color who specialize in features coverage to attend the AASFE annual conference, which takes place in Houston this October. As one of five fellows, Nicole […]
UNITY After-party and After-after-party this Wednesday!
WHEN: Wednesday, Aug. 6, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., WHERE: BOKA bar, Hotel 1000, 1st Ave & Madison in downtown Seattle (cash bar) We’ll be celebrating many achievements: AAJA Seattle’s Chapter of the Year award and the elections of local AAJA members Sharon Chan and Candace Heckman to National office (President and Treasurer!) and the […]
Empty desks at Chicago Sun-Times a sober reminder for student journalists
Brenna Kajikawa was one of a half dozen Washington students nominated by the AAJA Seattle chapter for a seat at UNITY Student Campus, an intense four-day journalism bootcamp for college students beginning on July 20. After the bootcamp ended on July 23, students were allowed to attend the rest of UNITY at no cost. Here’s […]
AAJA member William Kim reflects on his UNITY experience
In March I agreed to serve on a mentor board organized by Jerry Baldasty, chair of the University of Washington’s Department of Communication. Jerry paired me with William Kim, who graduated from the UW’s journalism program this year and attended the UNITY conference on a scholarship. I asked William to share his thoughts on his […]
What did you think of UNITY? Add your comments and photos
So you’ve had a chance to get more than 3 hours of sleep. Maybe you’ve even had a chance to review the photos you took at UNITY. Please let the rest of us know what you thought of UNITY. Upload your photos from UNITY to our AAJASEATTLE Flickr account or our Facebook page. PLEASE compress […]