Remembering Alex Tizon
We asked current and former AAJA members and other journalists who knew him to share some thoughts on the impact he made in their lives and the journalism community.

Longtime Seattle journalist Alex Tizon dies
Longtime Seattle journalist Alex Tizon was a reporter at the Seattle Times for 17 years, and a professor at University of Oregon.

Announcing: 30th Anniversary Fund Grants
Mid-career (5 years or more) AAJA Seattle members may apply for grants to help pay for leadership and skills training. Learn more!

Applications open for the 2017 KIRO-TV/NJC Internship
In partnership with the Northwest Journalists of Color, KIRO 7 will offer one recipient the opportunity to be an Intern for the KIRO 7 News Department for summer 2017.

Meet AAJA Seattle’s newest board members
Meet Seattle’s newest board members, Corinne Chin, Interim National Advisory Board Representative, and Patranya Bhoolsuwan and Michelle Li, Co-Vice Presidents of Events.

Celebrate the Year of the Rooster with AAJA Seattle – Jan. 21, 2017
Make some noise for the year of the rooster, with the Seattle chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association, 6 p.m. Saturday Jan 21, 2017 at China Harbor Restaurant!