Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship
Deadline: Monday, May 1, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
$1,200 Cash Award
Apply if you are an aspiring journalist. Scholarship will include a $1,200 cash award, and a mentor who works as a journalist in the Pacific Northwest.
For 40 years, the Northwest Journalists of Color have coordinated scholarships for aspiring journalists. The NJC’s members belong to the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), Seattle Association of Black Journalists (SABJ), PeriodistasNW (NAHJ) and the Native American Journalists Association (NAJA). Since 1983, the NJC and AAJA have awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships.
You do not need to identify as a student of color to apply for this scholarship. Strong preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the importance of diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences in newsrooms. You are eligible for these scholarships if you are EITHER:
- On the path to graduating from or have graduated from a Washington state high school
OR - Attending a public or private college in Washington state
Northwest Journalists of Color Visual Journalism Scholarship
Deadline: Monday, May 1, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
DSLR camera kit valued between $2,500-$5,000
Apply if you are an aspiring photo and/or video journalist. You will receive a professional DSLR camera kit (average value between $2,500 – $5,000) to help launch their career. (Average value $2,500 – $5,000)
The NJC Visual Journalism Scholarship will be awarded to an aspiring photo and/or video journalist who meets the same eligibility criteria for the NJC Scholarship. One recipient will receive a used professional camera kit, donated by The Seattle Times Photo Department, to help launch their career.
You are eligible for these scholarships if you are EITHER:
- On the path to graduating from or have graduated from a Washington state high school
OR - Attending a public or private college in Washington state
AAJA Seattle Founders’ Scholarship
Deadline: Monday, May 1, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
$1,500 to attend the AAJA Convention in Washington, D.C.
Apply if you’d like to attend the 2023 national Asian American Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C. Recipients will receive $1,500 to cover expenses.
The Founders’ Scholarship was established in 2000 to honor Frank Abe, Ron Chew and Lori Matsukawa, founders of the AAJA Seattle chapter in 1985. The Founders’ Scholarship covers fees to attend the 2023 national Asian American Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C. Recipients receive $1,500 to cover expenses.
You are eligible for these scholarships if you are EITHER:
- On the path to graduating from or have graduated from a Washington state high school
OR - Attending a public or private college in Washington state
All NJC winners will be awarded the Founders scholarship.
NJC-PNW Guild Conference Scholarship
Deadline: Monday, May 1, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
One recipient will receive a $1,000 scholarship. ($1,000)
You are eligible for these scholarships if you are:
- On the path to graduating from or have graduated from a Washington state high school
OR - Attending a public or private college in Washington state
Apply if you would like to attend a convention, seminar, workshop or other event connected to journalism. One recipient will receive, or receive reimbursement for, up to $1,000 for approved costs related to the event.
These costs can include, but are not limited to: registration, travel, lodging and meals.
Parents, siblings, direct descendants and dependents of workers represented by the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild are not eligible to apply.