More resources from 2010 AAJA Convention
The Online News Association has a link to all the presentations from its daylong Parachute Training session held during the convention.
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The Online News Association has a link to all the presentations from its daylong Parachute Training session held during the convention.
maiphoang Events, Members, Multimedia, News, Programs AAJA, AAJA Seattle, career, Convention, digital media, Members, Multimedia, national convention, networking, new media, training
Couldn’t make it to Los Angeles to attend the AAJA Convention? Or didn’t have a chance to attend all the sessions (or all the ones you wanted to attend were at the same time)?
No problem. Thanks to the wonders of technology, you can get a taste of the convention experience long after it’s over.
#AAJA Tweets — What the Hashtag has a transcript of all the tweets made during the convention.
Web tools and Social media — One of the convention highlights were several presentations from Robert Hernandez, a professor at the University of Southern California (and former senior news producer and director of development at The Seattle Times). Check out his handy site for interesting web tools as well as his Intermediate Social Media presentation (done with Justin Osofsky of the Facebook Development Network) . And here’s a great takeaway made by Hernandez during his presentations: “You are a lazy journalist if you only use social media. You are a lazy journalist if you don’t use social media.”
Presentation bits and pieces. Sacramento-based multimedia journalist Cody Kitaura has a great post that includes a variety of audio, quotes and links from several convention presentations.
AAJA Voices. The student multi-platform project was a great success thanks to great professional mentors and top notch leadership from AAJA Seattle’s own Marian Liu. The site is chock full of video, photos and stories from the convention and around LA. Don’t know where to start? Check out this video by three-time Northwest Journalists of Color scholarship winner Peter Sessum on the convention experience of AAJA Seattle student member Katelin Chow. (And it’s worth noting that Peter practices what he preaches about social media — he was among the top 10 tweeters during the convention!)
Got photos? Share and check out convention photos on the AAJA Seattle Facebook Group or on AAJA Seattle’s Flickr page. (There is also a link to the Flickr page on the right side of the webpage.)
Finally, it’s never too early to think about next year. The next AAJA National Convention will be in Detroit on Aug. 10-13, 2011. Check out the video below.
2011 AAJA National Convention Heads to Detroit from Annabelle Udo on Vimeo.
maiphoang Events, Members, News, Students AAJA, AAJA-LA, career, Convention, development, Events, Members, national convention, networking, socialmedia, training, Twitter
UPDATE: The AAJA Convention Blog is on Tumblr. Check it out for regular updates.
The 21st Annual AAJA Convention: Back to the Future begins in Los Angeles this week.
Here’s some tips to help you get the most out of the experience.
A cheap way from LAX to the Convention hotel
Here’s a handy tip from Kevin Leung of the Los Angeles Times:
Consider taking the FlyAway bus to Union Station in downtown and then
taking the Red Line subway to the Renaissance (Hollywood & Highland
station). It’s cheaper ($7 for bus + $1.50 for subway) than taking a
shuttle and probably faster (you are not being driven all over L.A. to
drop off other passengers).
The bus stops are just outside the baggage area. Make sure you take the
one to Union Station; there are separate buses to UCLA, Van Nuys and
Irvine. They run 24 hours.
The Red Line runs approximately 5 a.m. to midnight.
Plan out your convention
A full schedule can be found here.
It’s not all work in LA
Check out this handy guide from the AAJA-Los Angeles chapter. The guide offers information on popular dining and night spots, recreation areas and events happening during the week.
Be generous!
Check out the highlights of this year’s silent auction. A bottle of champagne from Robin Leach’s collection? Oh yeah!
Get connected with social media
Mark your AAJA Convention posts with the hashtag #aaja.
Here are some Twitter users to follow while you’re at convention:
@aajajcamp — J Camp, a multicultural high school journalism workshop, is currently in session through Wednesday at Loyola Marymount University. Athima Chansanchai (@TimaMedia), AAJA Seattle’s National Board Representative, is J Camp trainer this year.
@aajavoices — Check out AAJA Voices, the convention’s student news project, directed by AAJA Seattle member and Seattle Times reporter Marian Liu (@marianliu). AAJA Seattle student member Peter Sessum (@petersessum) is on this year’s Voices Staff.
@aajaseattle — AAJA Seattle’s Twitter feed.
@aajala — Follow the AAJA- Los Angeles chapter, who is hosting this year’s convention.
@aaja — the official Twitter stream for AAJA National.
Get the latest things to do while you’re at convention by adding AAJA to your Foursquare friends list.
Official Convention Facebook Group
Want a great convention experience?
Be a rockstar! [Thanks to the 10,000 Words blog]
sbhatt Members, News AAJA Seattle, awards, diversity, Members, News
Congratulations to Susan Han, a senior producer for the Seattle Channel, who received two regional Emmy awards.
Her weekly Seattle Channel public affairs program, City Inside/Out, was recognized in two categories – political/government program and interview/discussion program.
Han is a 2007 graduate of the AAJA Executive Leadership Program in New York City and co-chaired the Northwest Journalists of Color scholarship fund-raising campaign with me that same year. Prior to joining The Seattle Channel, Han worked at KCTS, the PBS affiliate in Seattle.
And congratulations to KBCS 91.3 FM in Bellevue on winning the 2010 Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) national journalism award in the category of Radio-AAPI Issues!
Past KBCS producer Irene Noguchi and KBCS News & Public Affairs Director Joaquin Uy won awards for excellence in news coverage of Asian American and Pacific Islander issues for a story that originally aired in April 2009. The story looked at the challenges facing unemployed AAPI senior citizens looking for work in the Great Recession and how they get help from the Seattle-based National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, which received a $1.6 million federal job-training grant.
You can listen to the story by going to and scrolling down.
Joaquin Uy is a long-time AAJA member and supporter of the Seattle chapter. If you haven’t contributed to their pledge drives, please keep them in mind in your charitable giving this year! Another AAJA connection: Former AAJA Seattle chapter president Derek Wing is director of communications for NAPCA.
Sanjay Bhatt is president of AAJA’s Seattle chapter. He is also a reporter for The Seattle Times.
sbhatt Events, Members, News AAJA, AAJA Seattle, development, digital media, diversity, Events, Features, innovation, journalism, jtmpnw, Members, Multimedia, networking, newmedia, SABJ, training
On Wednesday evening, a new ethnic media web project held its launch party at The Seattle Times.
The project is led by AAJA member Julie Pham, who is managing editor of the family-owned Northwest Vietnamese News.
Sea Beez has its seed funding from the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and represents the newest “hive” for New America Media, the nation’s first and largest collaboration of 2,000 ethnic media organizations reaching 51 million adults. The NOLA Beez launched in January. The other hubs are LA Beez and San Jose Beez. LA Beez is part of a New America Media’s Digital Divide initiative, funded by the Ford Foundation.
Our AAJA Seattle chapter, the Seattle Association of Black Journalists and Chen Communications all co-sponsored the party.
About 80 people attended the event. They included ethnic media executives:
The evening began with networking and attendees admiring The Seattle Times’ Pulitzer Prize winning stories. Thanks to AAJA student member Peter Sessum for shooting photos.
The evening gave AAJA student members, like Andrew Doughman, a chance to practice networking and connect with editors looking for freelance contributors.
During the presentations, Julie explained the overall goals of the Sea Beez project.
Sandy Close told the audience that all of the “hives” have a Queen Bee, looking at Julie with a smile. Great work to all involved!
maiphoang Members, News, Students AAJA Voices, Akiko Oda, Founders' Scholarship, Gerald Patriarca, internships, KING 5, KOMO-TV, Mark of Excellence Awards, Members, njc, Peter Sessum, SPJ, Students, Yong Kyle Kim
When I was studying journalism at Western Kentucky University in the early 2000s, I was eager to soak every experience I had in college from writing for the school paper to interning at newspapers all over the nation. Though I have been out of school for several years, I still remember fondly how much I grew through all the opportunities that was open to me while I was in college.
So I find great pleasure in hearing about how AAJA Seattle’s student members have made the most of their college experience:
Peter Sessum, the 2008 and 2009 recipient of the Northwest Journalists of Color scholarship, won two awards in the 2009 SPJ Region 10 Mark of Excellence Awards.
Sessum earned a first place award in in-depth reporting and a second place award in general news reporting for work he did at The Triton Review, the school paper at Edmonds Community College. Sessum’s story on blood donations was also selected as a finalist in the in-depth category for the national Mark of Excellence Awards.
Sessum is now a student at the University of Washington and writing for its school paper. AAJA members will also see him in action at the 2010 AAJA National Convention in Los Angeles as a member of the AAJA Voices staff.
Another winner in the regional Mark of Excellence Awards was Yong Kyle Kim. He won a third place award in online in-depth reporting for a project on pornography on campus for the website of the Whithworthian, the school paper at Whitworth University in Spokane. Last summer, Kim was able to attend the 2009 AAJA National Convention in Boston as a recipient of the Founders Scholarship. Kim blogged about his convention experience on this website, reporting on a session about the dangers of international journalism and what news recruiters look for in students. And if all that wasn’t enough — Kim is currently in the middle of a year abroad in Sydney, Australia studying journalism at Macquarie University.
Gerald Patriarca, a student at Seattle Pacific University, recently was profiled in the university’s paper for his internship with KOMO-TV’s problem solvers team. The article, which also mentions his previous internship at KING 5, also quotes Akiko Oda, an AAJA member who interned at KOMO-TV before graduating from University of Missouri this month. And not only is Patriarca learning from his experience, he’s inspiring other students to do the same.
Who wouldn’t be inspired by these students awesome stories? I certainly am!
Photos: file photo, Yong Kyle Kim’s website and Danielle Knight, The Falcon newspaper at Seattle Pacific University.
sbhatt Events AAJA Seattle, Beky Selengut, digital media, diversity, eating, Events, Features, foodies, Hsiao-Ching Chou, innovation, innovation salon, Karen Johnson, Matathew Amster-Burton, Members, networking, newmedia, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Magazine, socialmedia, TASTE Restaurant, tweeting, Twitter, web 2.0
Join us for a lively evening of food, drinks, networking and twitterific conversation at TASTE Restaurant at the Seattle Art Museum.
For AAJA Seattle’s inaugural Innovation Salon series, we bring together a group of the city’s hungriest tweeters: PR-pro Hsiao-Ching Chou, food writer Matthew Amster-Burton and chef Becky Selengut.
Journalists, businesses owners and just about anyone else with a message is scrambling to carve a presence in emerging social media markets. This panel represents a micro-community that adopted social media and pushed its boundaries since before it was cool.
Moderated by Karen Johnson, Seattle magazine online managing editor, this intimate salon will focus less on the Twitter basics and more on the broad lessons, stories and musings from a foodie community that has embraced, and in turn, been transformed through social media
Event: “Eating while tweeting: Social media lessons from Seattle’s fooderatiâ€
When: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Where: TASTE Restaurant at Seattle Art Museum, 1300 FIrst Ave., Downtown
Time: 6 p.m.
Cost: $25/$20 for AAJA Seattle members (includes appetizers provided by TASTE)
Buy tickets:
• Matthew Amster-Burton Food writer and author of Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father’s Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater
• Hsiao-Ching Chou Partner and social media director at Suzuki+Chou Communimedia, writer and former food editor at the Seattle P-I
• Becky Selengut Chef and co-author of The Washington Local and Seasonal Cookbook
AAJA Seattle
Taste Restaurant at Seattle Art Museum
Seattle magazine
The Asian American Journalists Association-Seattle chapter is a local, non-profit professional and organization. Since 1985, the chapter has provided scholarships for students, professional development for journalists and service to the community in the Pacific Northwest. For more info on AAJA Seattle visit:
(Images courtesy of, Flickr Creative Commons: photos by The Mooncake Box, smcgee, highway.skylines. Graphic by Hot Chai Media)
maiphoang Members, Programs, Stipends, Students 911 Media Arts Center, Convention, development, innovation, Members, Multimedia, newmedia, njc, scholarships, Students, training
With May 1 quickly approaching, here’s another reminder to apply for one of three scholarships from AAJA Seattle.
Scholarships include the Northwest Journalists of Color, which offers college scholarships of up to $2,500; the Founders Scholarship, which provides registration for the upcoming AAJA National Convention and the AAJA Seattle/911 Media Arts Student Scholarship, which provides funds toward rental equipment or classes at the 911 Media Arts Center in Seattle’s University District.
More details and a easy-to-use application form can be found here.
Hurry! All applications must be postmarked by the deadline.
sbhatt Members, News, Uncategorized Features, Members
Thanks to great organizing and outreach by our AAJA Seattle board and volunteers, we ended our 2010 membership drive on March 31 with 87 members! Last year we had 83 members. This growth is truly an accomplishment, especially at a time when organizations like ours are struggling to maintain their membership levels.
I expect membership will tick up further as the National Convention in Los Angeles approaches. Early bird registration deadline is April 16!
To join or renew, visit AAJA’s membership page. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@aajaseattle) and on Facebook.
We have events every month and fellowships and scholarships to support your career goals. We also have an incredible community; just come to one of our events and see for yourself. We are always open to your feedback and ideas.
Here is a list of our 2010 members as of March 31. Thanks again for supporting AAJA’s mission and our chapter!
Byron Acohido
Sanjay Bhatt
Frank Blethen
Ryan Blethen
David Boardman
Paula Bock
Venice Buhain
Brent Champaco
Aldo Chan
Sharon Pian Chan
Athima Chansanchai
Brian Chin
Shawn Chitnis
Tiffany Chong
Katelin Chow
Jocelyn Chui
Nicole Ciridon
Carina del Rosario
Reiko Endo
Michael Fancher
Patricia Foote
Myriam Gabriel-Pollock
Karen Gaudette
Shalini Gujavarty
Susan Han
Candace Heckman
Kristi Heim
Mai Hoang
Gregory Huang
Carolyn Huynh
Naomi Ishisaka
Karen Johnson
Mimi Jung
Ranny Kang
Christine Kim
Doug Kim
Yong Kim
Cathy Kiyomura
Yuko Kodama
Sonia Krishnan
Yoko Kuramoto-Eidsmoe
Hien Le
Owen Lei
Caroline Li
Eric Liu
Marian Liu
Sam Louie
Alex MacLeod
Sharon Maeda
Mark Malijan
Lori Matsukawa
Glenn Nelson
Assunta Ng
Danny O’Neil
Samantha Pak
Sona Patel
Gerald Patriarca
Julie Pham
DaoAnh Relyea
Margaret Santjer
Peter Sessum
Mai Ling Slaughter
Ernest Sotomayor
Alex Stonehill
Eddie Suguro
James Tabafunda
Calvin Tang
Terry Tazioli
Valerie Topacio
Nicole Tsong
Janet Tu
Lori Uno
Joaquin Uy
Ava Van
Tan Vinh
Sarah Wallace
Deborah Wang
Mark Watanabe
John White
Christina Wong
Nicholas Wong
Rita Wong
Tanya Woo
Sunny Wu
Jadine Ying
Teresa Yuan
David Zeeck
maiphoang Members, News, Stipends 911 Media Arts, AAJA, Founders' Scholarship, Members, Multimedia, njc, scholarships, Students, training
AAJA Seattle is now accepting applications for its scholarships. For the first time this year, students need only one form to apply for all three scholarships.
About the scholarships:
Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship: Since its inception in 1986, more than 100 students from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds have received grants to support their studies. This program awards up to $2,500 in scholarship money to students who intend to pursue careers in journalism. Eligible applicants are students who will attend a college or university in Washington in the fall and Washington state residents or seniors attending a high school in Washington who will attend an accredited college or university in the fall.
Founders’ Scholarship: The Founders’ Scholarship was established in 2000 to honor Frank Abe, Ron Chew and Lori Matsukawa, who founded the AAJA Seattle chapter in 1985. The scholarship covers a student registration fee for the 2010 AAJA National Convention, which will be Aug. 4-7 in Los Angeles. A small stipend for travel and accommodations is available. For more information about the convention, click here.
AAJA Seattle/911 Media Arts Student Scholarship: AAJA Seattle has partnered with the 911 Media Arts Center, the state’s premiere non-profit in new media art and documentary film, to help members looking to develop digital media skills. Though this partnership, the chapter will award two scholarships in 2010 to AAJA Seattle student members for up to $500 in costs of a recipient’s classes, computer lab and rental fees at the 911 Media Arts Center in Seattle’s University District.
Click here to download a copy of the application. Deadline for all three scholarships is May 1. For more information contact scholarship co-chair Venice Buhain at